Our pledge to valued customers...
If you order a custom written term paper, thesis paper, essay or research report (not a paper that we have on file); you will get an original, custom written term paper, thesis paper, essay or research report. We are strictly against plagiarism; hence all custom written term paper orders are proofread and scanned for plagiarism before delivery.
DEADLINE GUARANTEED. Our first priority is your deadline. Our dedicated and organized staff works 24 hours a day to provide your term papers, thesis papers, essays, book reports or other research assignments within the time frame you specified. If we do not meet the agreed upon deadline, your term paper is free!
PRIVACY ENSURED. We respect your need for privacy.
All information about you and your order, submitted to A & B Term Paper SPECIALISTS (abtermpapers.com), is never used or sold to anyone else. We do not post your paper on the internet. For your privacy and protection, we are one of the very few companies that will never post your paper on the Internet once it is completed. GUARANTEED!
OPTIONS. We offer many forms of secured payments including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, MoneyGram, Western Union, Money Orders, Paypal, Personal Checks and Cash. You can choose to pay in installments or all at once. We are extremely flexible and negotiable in every aspect of the services that we provide.
The most exclusive Term Paper, Thesis Paper, Dissertation and Essay Service on the internet!
Your Source...for Achieving Academic Excellence!
A & B Term Paper SPECIALISTS provides term papers, thesis papers, dissertations, essays, book reports, Powerpoint presentations, business research and more...virtually flawless, clean, uncluttered, and custom written from scratch.
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
...Oscar Wilde
Our guarantee
is the best on the internet!
Why? Because we're confident in the work we do. We clearly and openly provide all of our contact information, including e-mail, phone number and physical address. We provide you with a true guarantee because we want you to trust us with with your important term paper, research paper, essay, book report or other research project.
We guarantee
the following:
Your term paper, essay, research report, thesis, dissertation or other research report will be written by a North American Scholar. Unlike many other companies on the internet, we do not hire cheap labor outside the US. Once your paper is completed, we do not post it on the internet. Guaranteed!
We always provide term papers within your deadlines ~ guaranteed! ~ no matter how complex your requirement. We consider your deadline sacred. Our dedicated and organized staff is alert 24 hours a day to provide your term papers, thesis papers, essays, book reports or other research assignments within the time frame you specified, or you get a FREE term paper ~ guaranteed!
We do have pre-written papers on file (also not posted on the internet) available at discount prices ~ starting at only $9.95 per page. However, if you specifically request a custom written term paper, essay or other type of research report, you will receive an original, custom written product prepared to your specifications. Guaranteed!
We are an American company, based right where you need us ~ in NEW YORK CITY.
Please enter your project details on our simple PRE-ORDER FORM and get a very quick price quote. We offer same day and next day service as well as longer turnarounds.
Once you receive our response, we will ask you to complete an ORDER FORM ~ then you're on the way to academic excellence!
Research reports written by ABT Enterprises (A & B Term Paper Specialists) are to be used for reference purposes only and cannot be handed into school, business or used in place of your own work. All assignments written by us are only to be used to further your own research. You may quote from the work written by us, but you must cite this company as a source in the paper. All reports written by us are the sole property of this company and cannot be resold.
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